Contact Amy if interested in
purchasing her art.

I have been a life-long hobby artist exploring all types of creative outlets before committing to watercolor painting. When my busy life as mother, employee and daughter caregiver naturally ended my husband Mike and I moved from Eden Prairie, MN to a tiny cabin in the Northwoods of Hayward, Wisconsin. We were looking to be one with nature and to live a peaceful simple life.
My love of the Hayward area started with my love of the annual Birkiebeiner ski events something my entire family has participated in for many years. The change of scenery and slow pace led to more passionate inspiration and time spent watercolor painting. A lifelong dream realized.
I love to capture the soul of Hayward, Wisconsin in my images to portray what the area of Hayward is all about. I explore all types of watercolor compositions be it landscapes, animals, forests, Birkie ski images, lakes, fishing or silly figures.
The main goal of my art is to create colorful cheerful images that speak to me and represent the soul of Hayward.