Contact Deanna if interested
in purchasing her art.

I approach my artwork with excitement. Each piece of work offers new challenges for problem solving and exploration. As an abstract artist, I do not have a preconceived image or know exactly where my journey will take me. I look at the clean white surface, choose a paint for the under color and then begin!
Being a chronologically mature artist, allows me to bring many life experiences to the easel – whether it is because of living in the north woods of Wisconsin or loving life in Chicago.
Much of my work is done on deep square surfaces ranging in size from 5” X 5” to 48” X 48”. I find the square shape to be nurturing and representational of a ‘soul’ – confined but complex. Many of my pieces of art include found objects and the mixture of many mediums to accomplish the completion of the painting.
I have been blessed to have art in my life and to have a studio filled with ‘too much stuff’ – you never know when you are going to need that one specific piece of paper or piece of rust from the driveway.
My artwork can be viewed at Art Beat of Hayward in Hayward, WI, and may also be seen on my website.
University of Illinois - Chicago Fine Art Department; University of Iowa - BA; Northeastern University - MA; Art Institute of Chicago.
Studied with Virginia Cobb, Bob Burridge, Skip Lawrence, Louise Cadellac, Catherine Chang Leu and other workshop instructors.