Artists who come from
Lac Courte Oreilles
Mezinibii'igejig wenjibaawaad Odaawaa Zaaga'iganiing

The Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lack Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin history occupied the vast territory within 100 mile radius of the present location of the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation near Hayward, WI. The Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) people are one band of the large Ojibwa Nation that originally occupied the upper eastern woodland areas of the North American content. In 1854 the Treaty of La Point established LCO reservation
Woodland Style Art
Norval Morrisseau, a Canadian Ojibwe, introduced native artists to the Woodland Style art. I believe that this style of art is created from the combination of Ojibwe petroglyphs (drawings or carvings on rocks) and images from birch bark scrolls. The images can also be identified as X-ray Vision. The artist usually paints images with a heavy black outline and paints what is felt or perceived inside animals (or people). What is painted inside the animal or person represents a kind of spirit, a source of powers.
Mezinibii'igejig wenjibaawaad Odaawaa Zaaga'iganiing
Opening: October 7, 2023, 3-5:30 p.m.
Exhibit Dates: October 2023
Featured Artists

Jerry Kirk

Sylvia Bracklin

Carol Ann Smith

Cindy Kirk

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Chimakwa Nibawii

Kelly Martinson