From artistic to practical, large to small, my baskets are handmade using various types of reed and weaving
methods. I started weaving baskets almost 40 years ago when my sister invited me to a basket-weaving
class her friend was teaching. My sister didn’t catch the bug but I did! Since then, I have made many baskets
for family and friends but never really considered myself an “artist”. I am sincerely honored when someone
truly loves and uses a basket I have made and I consider it an honor to have one of my baskets find its “home”
as each is a labor of love and time.
I grew up in Michigan and have been visiting Hayward since coming here on my honeymoon over 40 years
ago. My husbands’ family is from the area and it was our vacation spot with our two children for most of their
childhoods. A few years after my husband retired, we moved to Hayward in 2007, built our dream home, and
have loved the area ever since. Basket weaving has been my “artistic” outlet over all these years and
provides me with such pleasure to see the finished project. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I have
enjoyed making them.
Basket Weaving
Exhibit Dates: June 1 - 20, 2024
Opening: June 1, 2024, 3-5:30 p.m.